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Fosters are the HEROES of the rescue world!
The dogs we bring in are all in serious danger of losing their lives due to overpopulation and overcrowding in L.A. shelters.
Foster homes literally save their lives! Plus, the number of dogs we save depends solely on the number of people who will open their homes to fostering.

All you need to provide is love
Our dogs just want to be loved and felt safe - we will guide you through the whole process:

Send us your application
Send us your application and introduce yourself!

Match you with the furry friend
We will learn your expectations and find the right dog for your home and lifestyle.

Begining your fostering journey
Taking good care of a rescue dog involves feeding, walking, cleaning up after and socializing. Overall you will provide a lot of love and care.
What does it mean to “foster” a dog?
When you foster, you agree to take a homeless dog into your home and give him or her love, care, and attention, either for a predetermined period of time or until the dog is adopted.
How long will I have my foster dog?
The time varies depending on the rescue dog. The typical duration is two months. In rare, severe medical cases, dogs might be fostered up to one year.
What makes a good foster home?
Foster care for dogs basically requires patience, a compassionate nature, a flexible lifestyle, and some experience with and knowledge of dog behavior. If you choose to become a foster provider, you give these dogs the environment and extra care they may need as they wait for their forever home.
Who pays for expenses?
All expenses involving vet care, medicine, food, and supplies are covered by Paws of L.A. Rescue.
What do I do if my foster animal needs veterinary care?
We will provide transport volunteers for frequent trips, but in the past, our fosters prefer transporting the dogs.
What about heartworm preventative and flea and tick medication?
We cover the heart worm test, medication and monthly flea/tick preventative care.
Can I choose what kind of dog I get?
After completing out the Foster Application and consulting with our Foster Coordinator, the assigned coordinator will work with you to coordinate the right dog for your home and lifestyle.
As a foster, how am I involved in the adoption process?
We have Adoption Coordinators who will vet and screen adoption applicants before arranging the meet and greets home checks and finalizing the adoption contract. However, we LOVE and welcome our fosters' input. After all, they know their foster dog the best!
But I’m afraid I’ll get too attached…
We haven't come across an adopter that is not willing to stay in touch with the foster family to check in with the dog. :)
Foster FAQs
Foster stories
My #FosterFail story with a four-legged friend
It changed my mind about the breeds I’m compatible with, I never thought I would ever love a chihuahua, but it let me see past breeds and see their individual personalities more.

I was very surprised with fostering, the best way to describe it is, watching a dog for a friend you haven’t met yet.
Pawl Stanley's Foster-to-Adopt Story
People don't realize how just a small step like fostering a dog, can make such a big difference...
Biggie's Foster Father shares his experience
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